Tuesday, April 12, 2022

www.c _ www.c - General collection of links.

www.c123rd.com   10/02/2022   Company C, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines. This website is dedicated to the United States Marine Corps, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division Marines who served during World War II.

www.ca.gov   24/05/2021   California State.

www.ca9.uscourts.gov   28/03/2021   United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. This website provides access to a wealth of information about the federal courts serving nine western states and two Pacific Island jurisdictions.

www.cablelabs.com   01/09/2021   Invent the Future. CableLabs. At CableLabs, we’re all about inventing new ways to make broadband faster and better.

www.cablinginstall.com   01/09/2021   Cabling Installation & Maintenance. Articles, news, products, blogs and videos from Cabling Installation & Maintenance.

www.caddoconference.org   01/12/2021   Caddo Conference Organization. The purpose of the CCO is to promote and to stimulate interest in the archeology, history, and ethnology of the Caddo archeological region and adjacent areas.

www.caee.utexas.edu   29/03/2021   Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. More than 100 years ago, our department started with only two faculty and a small but dedicated group of students.

www.cafeborrone.com   03/01/2022

www.cafebrightside.nl   03/01/2022

www.cafebritt.com/home   03/01/2022

www.cafecampesino.com   03/01/2022

www.cafe-city.ch   03/01/2022

www.caffeinated-press.com   02/10/2021

www.caffrenchwing.fr   07/05/2021

www.cagle.com   31/01/2022

www.cagw.org   3/18/2022   Citizens Against Government Waste. CAGW works to eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government through research and public education activities.

www.cair.com   17/12/2021

www.cajunprairie.org   17/02/2021   The Cajun Prairie Preservation Society is an organization which is dedicated to the study, preservation, restoration and education in regard to the Cajun Prairie Habitat, associated habitats and projects.

www.calacademy.org   06/11/2021   California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, CA. The California Academy of Sciences is a science museum—and scientific and educational institution—located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.

www.calacademy.org/scientists   4/4/2022   Institute for Biodiversity Science & Sustainability. California Academy of Sciences. IBSS is home to 100+ research scientists and nearly 46 million scientific specimens from around the world.

www.calamo.com   27/01/2021   Librería Cálamo. Zaragoza. Librería Cálamo es una librería independiente de fuerte compromiso cultural fundada en 1983. Su labor ha sido reconocida con diversas distinciones dentro y fuera de su país.

www.caldwellcartoons.com   31/01/2022

www.calhistory.org/library.html   10/12/2021

www.calibanonline.com   02/10/2021

www.californiapioneers.org   14/01/2022

www.californiapoetics.org   02/10/2021

www.callingallpoets.net   02/10/2021

www.caltech.edu   05/09/2021   Caltech. California Institute of Technology. Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering Institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions and pressing societal challenges.

www.caltrap.org   10/02/2022   Third Marine Division Association. Our association is dedicated to keeping the spirit of the Marine Corps alive.

www.calvertjournal.com   20/08/2021   The Calvert Journal was launched as a project of Calvert 22 Foundation in March 2013. Today, the Journal is the world’s leading publication for culture, innovation, photography and travel in the New East: Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

www.calyxpress.org   02/10/2021

www.cambridge.org/core   4/12/2022   Cambridge Core. Journals & Books Online. Cambridge University Press. The books and journals platform from Cambridge University Press replacing Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) and Cambridge Books online (CBO).

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/acta-numerica   11/11/2021

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ancient-mesoamerica   11/11/2021

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/anglo-saxon-england   11/11/2021

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bulletin-of-symbolic-logic   11/11/2021

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-african-history   11/11/2021

www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-asian-studies   11/11/2021

www.camden.gov.uk   05/09/2021   Camden Council. You play an important role in how we develop and improve the services we deliver and, in the face of ever tightening budgets, your views and opinions are as important as ever.

www.camerakids.photos   20/01/2022

www.caminodelcid.org   13/06/2021   Web oficial del Camino del Cid: una ruta turístico-cultural que atraviesa las provincias de Burgos, Soria, Guadalajara, Zaragoza, Teruel, Castellón, Valencia y Alicante.

www.campaignbuttons-etc.com   29/07/2021   Campaign Buttons - Etc -  Presidential Campaign Buttons and Political Memorabilia. For sale are authentic political campaign buttons and presidential memorabilia of Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W, Bush, Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt and many more.

www.campinas.sp.gov.br   21/05/2021

www.candelaria.es/areas/archivo-municipal   25/02/2022

www.candlestickpress.co.uk   02/10/2021

www.canisius.edu   24/08/2021   Canisius College. Canisius is a private college in Buffalo, NY and a premier Jesuit, Catholic University. Discover what you can do at Canisius. Canisius has been preparing students for purposeful careers and lives for almost 150 years.

www.canr.msu.edu   05/09/2021   College of Agriculture & Natural Resources. Information from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University. Also information from MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension.

www.canthius.com   02/10/2021

www.cantomundo.org   02/10/2021

www.canyoncountryzephyr.com   28/01/2022   Canyon Country Zephyr. All the News That Causes Fits. Since 1989.

www.canyonlandflyers.com   28/01/2022   Experience The Best Canyon Land Flyers. Devoted to extensive ultralight trike training.

www.capecodpoetryreview.com   02/10/2021

www.capegazette.com   16/02/2022   Cape Gazette. News. Covering Delaware's Cape Region. Inland Bays, Atlantic Ocean, Rehoboth Beach, Lewes, Milton, Dewey Beach.

www.capitalcc.edu   3/18/2022   CCC. Capital Community College. The Mission of Capital Community College is to provide access to higher education to the diverse residents of the greater Hartford region.

www.capitansanluis.cu   06/01/2021   Editorial Capitán San Luis. La Editorial Capitán San Luis se fundó el 5 de enero de 1989 con el objetivo de publicar los premios, menciones y recomendaciones del Concurso de Literatura Policial “Aniversario del Triunfo de la Revolución”.

www.car.chula.ac.th   22/04/2021

www.caraveljournal.org   02/10/2021

www.carboncountynews.com   24/06/2021   Carbon County News. Red Lodge, Montana.

www.carcanet.co.uk   02/10/2021

www.cardiffreview.com   02/10/2021

www.cariboumountaincollective.com   14/02/2022   Caribou Mountain Collective is a quartet from Nederland, Colorado. Their extensive original repertoire channels the rich traditions of both Appalachia and Colorado bluegrass.

www.carlapaolini.com   02/10/2021

www.carlenecarter.net   04/07/2021   Carlene Carter. Madison, TN.

www.carleton.edu   3/28/2022   Carleton College is committed to providing a true liberal arts education—a curriculum that challenges our students to learn broadly and think deeply. A Leading Liberal Arts College in Northfield, Minnesota.

www.carleton.edu/arboretum   3/28/2022

www.carleton.edu/chemistry   30/11/2021   Chemistry. Carleton College. Chemistry provides the connection between molecular concepts and the complex systems found in nature.

www.carleton.edu/computer-science   3/28/2022

www.carleton.edu/library   3/28/2022   The Laurence McKinley Gould Library serves Carleton by collecting, preserving, and building connections to the record of human knowledge by creating a setting conducive to learning, discovery, and cultural excitement.

www.carleton.edu/math   3/28/2022   athematics and Statistics. Carleton College. Both mathematics and statistics embody the spirit of the liberal arts.

www.carleton.edu/physics-astronomy   3/28/2022   Physics and Astronomy. Carleton College. The scope of physical studies—from atoms to galaxies—is well represented in the imaginative curriculum of Carleton’s physics and astronomy department.

www.carlhiaasen.com   12/01/2022   Carl Hiaasen's Official Web Site. Hiaasen began writing novels in early 1980s with his good friend and fellow journalist, the late William D. Montalbano.

www.carlosboix.ch   02/10/2021

www.carolinasaviation.org   23/02/2021   Carolinas Aviation Museum. Let your imagination take flight at Carolinas Aviation Museum in Charlotte, NC, where history and STEM education soar.

www.carriemagnessradna.com   04/10/2021

www.carrutxa.cat/biblioteca   05/03/2022

www.cartercenter.org   25/04/2021   The Carter Center. Waging Peace, Fighting Disease & Building Hope. The Carter Center is a nongovernmental organization that helps to improve lives by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy and preventing diseases.

www.cartermuseum.org   01/09/2021   The New Carter. Amon Carter Museum of American Art. Located in the heart of Fort Worth’s Cultural District, the Amon Carter Museum of American Art explores the breadth and complexity of American creativity.

www.cartesius.net   06/08/2021

www.casadellibro.com   12/01/2021   Casa del Libro. Libros, sólo libros, todos los libros, en cualquier formato. Fundada en 1923, Casa del Libro es hoy la cadena de librerías líder en el sector.

www.casares.es/es/Ayuntamiento/-_Dependencias_municipales   25/02/2022

www.cascadiamagazine.org   04/10/2021

www.caseygrants.org   4/1/2022   Marguerite Casey Foundation. It’s not enough for communities to be merely represented in our economy and democracy — they must be powerful enough to shape them.

www.caspercollege.edu   26/12/2021   Casper College. Located in Wyoming, Casper College is one of the largest and most comprehensive community colleges in the region.

www.castleairmuseum.org   07/11/2021

www.castro-urdiales.net/archivomunicipal/index.php   09/11/2021

www.catacombsociety.org   22/07/2021

www.catalogueoflife.org   07/11/2021

www.catastrophism.com   07/11/2021

www.cathexisnorthwestpress.com   04/10/2021

www.catranslation.org   4/5/2022

www.cau.edu   30/12/2021   Clark Atlanta University. Create significant connections with your peers, faculty, and staff during your years at Clark Atlanta University, building on a legacy of 150 years of tradition, determination, and a culture for service.

www.caughtbytheriver.net   13/04/2021   Caught by the River. Conceived as an online meeting place for pursuits of a distinctly non-digital variety — walking, fishing, looking, thinking, birdsong and beer, adventure and poetry; life’s small pleasures, in all their many flavours — it was, and still is, about stepping out of daily routines to re-engage with nature.

www.caughtoffside.com   13/04/2021   Caught Off side. Football transfer rumours, news and Gossip from the English Premier League and beyond.

www.caveat-lector.org   07/11/2021

www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio   13/11/2021   Live Radio. CBC Listen. Radio One and CBC Music.

www.cbd.int   17/12/2021

www.cbeasley-baker.com   07/11/2021

www.cbf.org   14/03/2022   Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Saving the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams through education, advocacy, litigation, and restoration.

www.cbo.gov   4/2/2022

www.cbr.com   31/12/2021

www.cc.gatech.edu   26/04/2021   College of Computing. Georgia Tech. Computer and computing education at Georgia Tech dates back more than a generation, to 1964 and the establishment of the Information Science program and a master's degree program in Information Science—the first graduate degree of its kind in the country.

www.cca.edu   17/12/2021

www.ccacoalition.org   15/11/2021

www.ccber.ucsb.edu   07/11/2021

www.cccarto.com   19/03/2021

www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk   10/01/2021   The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) are world-leading experts in structural chemistry data, software and knowledge for materials and life science research and application.

www.ccm.udel.edu   06/01/2022

www.ccma.cat   06/01/2022   Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. TV3 i Catalunya Ràdio.

www.ccmaa.org.uk   06/01/2022

www.ccme.ca   06/01/2022

www.ccmga.org   06/01/2022

www.cct.org   08/05/2021   The Chicago Community Trust. As our region’s community foundation, The Chicago Community Trust unites generous donors, committed nonprofits and caring residents to effect lasting change that moves our entire region forward.

www.cdc.gov   11/02/2022   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health, safety, and security threats.

www.ce.washington.edu   29/03/2021   UW Civil & Environmental Engineering. At the University of Washington, Civil & Environmental Engineering students and faculty are taking on the challenges presented by our aging national infrastructure, while developing new approaches to address the needs of urban systems and communities around the globe.

www.ceeweb.org   07/11/2021

www.cell.com/molecular-plant/home   13/04/2021   Molecular Plant is dedicated to serving the plant science community by publishing novel and exciting findings with high significance in plant biology.

www.cengage.co.uk   10/01/2021   Cengage is the global education and technology company built for learners. Cengage is united by a single belief that every student has the potential to be unstoppable.

www.census.gov   07/01/2022   The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.

www.centennial.ca/home   21/05/2021

www.centerforhomemovies.org   09/01/2021   Center for Home Movies. The purpose of the Center for Home Movies (CHM) is to collect, preserve, provide access to, and promote understanding of home movies and amateur motion pictures.

www.centerforsacramentohistory.org   07/11/2021

www.centralcoastwilds.com   11/02/2022   Central Coast Wilds (CCW), a division of Ecological Concerns Incorporated, is a design-grow-build ecological landscape contractor and California native plant nursery established in 1992 in Santa Cruz, California.

www.centralmaine.com   18/07/2021   Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel. Central Maine news, sports & weather from Augusta to Waterville. The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME and Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME.

www.centroandaluzdeflamenco.es   09/11/2021

www.centuryinshoes.com   17/12/2021

www.cepf.net   03/01/2022   The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) brings together people and organizations to protect biodiversity—the amazing array of Earth's species.

www.cerias.purdue.edu   11/02/2022   CERIAS. Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security. The Research conducted through CERIAS includes faculty from six different colleges and 20+ departments across campus.

www.cerisepress.com   07/11/2021

www.cerurove.com   04/10/2021

www.cervantesvirtual.com   4/12/2022   La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, es un fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc. Incluye trabajos de investigación, catálogo en otras lenguas y bibliotecas del mundo.

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/adolfo_sanchez_vazquez   11/09/2021

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/biblioteca_de_catalunya   26/02/2017

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/biblioteca_literatura_infantil_juvenil   4/12/2022   Biblioteca de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. Web con las mejores obras y autores de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil y los estudios de investigación elaborados por especialistas.

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/convivio   11/09/2021

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/fernando_alonso   11/09/2021

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/investigaciones_geograficas   4/12/2022   El Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía de la Universidad de Alicante edita, desde su creación en 1983, la revista científica Investigaciones Geográficas, que actualmente constituye un documento de referencia obligada en la investigación geográfica española.

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/juan_farias   11/09/2021

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/lirica_popular_tradicion_infantil   4/12/2022   Lírica Popular de Tradición Infantil. El folclore infantil y los juegos populares se recogen en estas páginas como manifestaciones de nuestra tradición española.

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/literatura/multimedia_fonoteca   4/12/2022   Fonoteca de Literatura. Centenares de archivos de audio de las mejores obras literarias o sobre la Literatura y sus repercusiones culturales.

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/sharq_al_andalus   11/09/2021

www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/universitat_barcelona_fons_de_reserva   4/12/2022   Aquest portal vol ser el punt d'accés a tots aquells documents del patrimoni bibliogràfic de la Universitat de Barcelona que tenen un interès i un valor especial i/o diferencial, i que actualment gaudeixen d'una escassa difusió.

www.ceuta.es/ceuta   20/12/2021

www.cgrl.gal   01/05/2021   CGRL. Consello Galego de Relacións Laborais. O Consello Galego de Relacións Laborais foi creado pola Lei 7/1988, do 12 de xullo, e a súa primeira reunión realizouse en febreiro de 1989, en Santiago de Compostela, onde continúa a ter a súa sede.

www.cgu.edu   24/02/2021   Claremont Graduate University. Founded in 1925, CGU is an independent institution devoted entirely to graduate study.

www.chagrinriverreview.com   07/11/2021

www.champlain.edu   06/03/2022   Champlain College. Since 1878, Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, has provided a hands-on, relevant education that thoroughly prepares its students for the needs of emerging and changing career fields.

www.changinghands.com   07/11/2021

www.chaoxing.com   07/11/2021

www.chaparralpoetry.net   07/11/2021

www.chara.gsu.edu   13/11/2021   CHARA. The flagship project of Georgia State University's Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) is its **optical interferometric array of six telescopes** located on Mount Wilson, California.

www.charlesdickenspage.com   13/03/2021   The Charles Dickens Page. Learn about Charles Dickens’ life (1812-1870), his work, his characters, explore maps of the locations he described, and learn how he became the greatest writer of his age.

www.charleslindbergh.com   24/04/2021   Charles Augustus Lindbergh. This site is not affiliated with the Lindbergh family, Lindbergh Foundation, or any other organization or group. This site is owned & developed by Patrick Ranfranz of Shoreview, Minnesota as a hobby.

www.chatterhousepress.com   07/11/2021

www.chax.org   25/05/2021   Chax Press. For more than thirty years, CHAX has published close to 250 books by innovative poets. CHAX was founded in 1984. We've always worked to enlarge and enliven the global community of readers and writers.

www.cherrycreekschools.org   01/12/2021   Cherry Creek School District No. 5. Serving more than 55,000 students and more than 300,000 residents in eight municipalities spread across 108 square miles, Cherry Creek Schools is a diverse district where inclusive excellence and college and career preparedness and success are priorities.

www.chevaliersbooks.com   04/10/2021

www.cheyenne.org   16/06/2021   Live the Legend. Visit Cheyenne, Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyoming Convention and Visitors Bureau home to Cheyenne Frontier Days, great local restaurants, a growing downtown and an authentic western experience with a modern flair!

www.chicagoreader.com   08/05/2021   Chicago Reader. Best of Chicago 2020, Chicago City Life, News & Politics, Columns & Opinion, Music & Nightlife, Arts & Culture, Film, and Food & Drink.

www.chicagoreview.org   04/10/2021

www.chicagotribune.com   02/02/2021   Chicago Tribune. Your source for Chicago breaking news, sports, business, entertainment, weather and traffic. Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

www.chicano.ucla.edu   07/11/2021

www.childinc.com   16/02/2022   Child Inc. The organization was originally incorporated in 1963 as the Boys Home, but in 1973 became CHILD, Inc. as the organization expanded its focus from serving neglected, dependent and abused boys in a group home setting to providing services for the entire family.

www.childrensauthorsnetwork.com   11/03/2022   Childrens Authors Network. We are a community of acclaimed children's book authors and illustrators. We promote literacy and the enjoyment of quality books.

www.chileflora.com   07/11/2021

www.chn-france.com   08/01/2022

www.chnmuseum.cn   08/01/2022

www.choate.edu   08/01/2022

www.chockstonephotos.com   08/01/2022

www.chococlic.com   08/01/2022

www.choco-club.com   08/01/2022

www.chocolate.org   08/01/2022

www.chocolateriepierre.nl   08/01/2022

www.chocolatetradingco.com   08/01/2022

www.chollaneedles.com   07/11/2021

www.christchurchschool.org   14/03/2022   Christchurch School. Coed Boarding High School in Virginia. Our waterfront campus is 125 acres of wooded trails and manicured sports fields in Middlesex County, 1 hour east of Richmond and 2 and 1/2 hours south of the Northern, VA / Washington, DC area.

www.christianitytoday.com   03/02/2021   Christianity Today. Theology, Church, Culture. Since 1956, Christianity Today has been a trusted beacon spotlighting the way in which Christians can live gospel lives for the strengthening of church and society.

www.christianlange.com   07/01/2022   Christian Lange Photography, Commercial Photographers, Knoxville, Tennessee. Creating powerful advertising photography is our passion. Product photography, business headshots, manufacturing images and real estate photography.

www.christinevmitchell.com   12/09/2021

www.christoph-links-verlag.de   05/04/2022

www.chronicle.com   4/10/2022

www.chuckberry.com/home   08/07/2021   Chuck Berry. Chuck Berry’s music has transcended generations. He earns respect to this day because he was truly an entertainer.

www.chulavistaca.gov   07/11/2021

www.churchill.edu.mx   21/03/2021

www.ci.richmond.ca.us/105/Library   05/01/2022

www.cia.gov   27/01/2021

www.cica.es   09/04/2021   El Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA) es un centro concebido para prestar servicios a la comunidad científica andaluza, que le ayuden en el desarrollo de su labor investigadora.

www.cicero.de   19/02/2022

www.cieloeterra.it   30/08/2021   Cielo e Terra. Associazione per lo studio dell'astrologia classica.

www.cieloeterra.it/glossarioindice.html   30/08/2021   Glossario Indice. Questo glossario, a cura di Marco Fumagalli, intende definire in modo sintetico le centinaia di termini tecnici propri dell'arte astrologica antica, medievale e rinascimentale.

www.cies.us   04/02/2022   The Comparative And International Education Society (Cies), Inc. seeks to contribute to an understanding of education through encouragement and promotion of comparative education and related areas of inquiry and activity.

www.cieu.org   27/01/2021

www.cincinnati.com   25/01/2022   Cincinnati Enquirer. Cincinnati News, Sports and Things to Do.

www.cincinnatireview.com   15/11/2021

www.cincinnatistate.edu   24/05/2021   Cincinnati State provides access, opportunity, and support in achieving success for individuals seeking exceptional technical, transfer and experiential/cooperative education and workforce training.

www.cinebaix.com   23/01/2022

www.cineciutat.org   23/01/2022

www.cinefile.info   13/12/2021   Cine-File is a volunteer-run resource for Chicago cinephiles. We provide a weekly listing of the wide range of independent, underground, experimental, and repertory cinema screenings & events available in and around Chicago.

www.cinema.ucla.edu   14/01/2022

www.cinemaisdope.com   06/08/2021

www.cipherjournal.com   15/11/2021

www.circusworldbaraboo.org   23/02/2021   Circus World in Baraboo comes alive each summer with exciting circus acts in a real Big Top. Fall and Spring includes 7 buildings of incredible exhibits!

www.cisco.com   18/11/2021   Cisco. Networking, Cloud, and Cybersecurity Solutions.

www.cisu.unime.it   06/08/2021

www.citamn.afrc.af.mil   29/03/2021   Citizen Airman Magazine. The official website for Citizen Airman Magazine, the bi-monthly publication of the Air Force Reserve Command.

www.citefactor.org   15/11/2021

www.citephilo.org   07/02/2021

www.citizen.org   07/10/2021   Public Citizen. We defend democracy, resist corporate power and work to ensure that government works for the people – not for big corporations. Founded in 1971, we now have 500,000 members and supporters throughout the country.

www.citm.upc.edu   28/11/2021

www.cityclub.org   26/11/2021   The City Club serves Cleveland with programs that convene leaders, engage citizens, and provide all of our communities with a free speech forum where they can engage with the issues that shape our future.

www.cityofburnet.com   15/08/2021   Burnet, Texas. The City of Burnet is a picturesque city located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country near the Highland Lakes, just 50 miles northwest of Austin and 90 miles north of San Antonio at the intersection of State Highway 29 and U.S. Highway 281.

www.cityofcf.com   3/18/2022   Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio is the place for you and your family to live and play!

www.cityofcommercepubliclibrary.org/home-library   15/11/2021

www.cityofevanston.org   10/02/2022   City of Evanston, home to 75,000 residents and located just north of of Chicago. Bordering Lake Michigan and home to Northwestern University and Rotary International, Evanston's unique beauty and character delights visitors and residents of all ages.

www.cityoffullerton.com   08/05/2021   City of Fullerton. Located in North Orange County, Fullerton is a full-service city renowned for its unique mix of residential, commercial and industrial, educational and cultural environments that provide an outstanding quality of life for its residents.

www.cityofinglewood.org   10/12/2021

www.cityoflaramie.org   17/06/2021   Laramie, Wyoming. Official Website.

www.cityoforange.org/424/Local-History   30/12/2021

www.cityofrc.us/library   05/01/2022

www.cityofsanmateo.org/507/Library   14/01/2022

www.cityofsierramadre.com/services/library   14/01/2022

www.ciudadespatrimonio.org/presentaciondelgrupo/index.php   25/05/2021

www.cl44.com   07/05/2021

www.clackamas.edu   17/02/2022   Clackamas Community College. For more than 50 years, Clackamas Community College has offered high-quality education and training opportunities, lifetime learning and robust student life programming.

www.clackesd.org   07/08/2021   Educational Support for All. Clackamas Education Service District is dedicated to providing leadership and services that are most beneficial to school districts. We provide these services in the interest of that which is best for children.

www.clarin.com   15/01/2022

www.clarkart.edu   22/06/2021   The Clark is one of only a handful of institutions globally with a dual mission as an art museum and a distinguished center for research and higher education, dedicated to advancing and extending the public understanding of art.

www.clarku.edu   31/01/2021

www.clarku.edu/academics   29/12/2021   Academics. Clark University. Clark’s innovative approach to education integrates the liberal arts with practice-based learning beyond the classroom and the campus.

www.clarku.edu/academics/schools-and-departments   4/12/2022   Schools and Departments. Clark University offers bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. programs, as well as professional certificates, in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences.

www.clarku.edu/library   4/5/2022   Library. Clark University’s Robert H. Goddard Library provides extensive resources for student and faculty research and learning across disciplines.

www.clasanjose.org   07/11/2021

www.clashmusic.com   02/06/2021

www.classicaircraft.ca   07/05/2021

www.classical.net/index.php   25/09/2021   The Classical Net web site offers a comprehensive collection of information and news on classical music subjects including articles and CD reviews, composers and their music, the basic repertoire, recommended recordings and a CD buying guide.

www.classicist.org   22/02/2022   Institute of Classical Architecture & Art. Advancing the appreciation and practice of the principles of traditional architecture and its allied arts.

www.classicwings.com   25/05/2021

www.claymath.org   12/05/2021   The Clay Mathematics Institute is a tax-exempt Private Operating Foundation dedicated to increasing and disseminating mathematical knowledge. The Institute was founded in September, 1998 by Mr. Landon T. Clay, a Boston businessman, and his wife, Lavinia D. Clay.

www.claymath.org/millennium-problems   12/05/2021   Millennium Problems. Clay Mathematics Institute.

www.clcft-pac.org   02/02/2021   College of Lake County Political Action Committee. The CLCFT-PAC preserves and promotes the educational mission of the College of Lake County, with the purpose of enhancing opportunity for the county’s residents.

www.clcv.org   07/02/2021

www.cleavermagazine.com   15/11/2021

www.clemson.edu   01/06/2021   Clemson University is a leading public research institution located in Upstate South Carolina. Here, researchers create solutions that change the world.

www.clemson.edu/caah   01/06/2021   College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities. Clemson University, South Carolina. By uniting the arts and humanities and with the disciplines of design and building, the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities at Clemson University (CAAH) offers significant opportunities to imagine, explore and achieve.

www.clemson.edu/research   01/06/2021   Research. Clemson University, South Carolina. Clemson is a leading research institution. Learn about our groundbreaking research, notable researchers, how to partner with the University and more.

www.clemson.edu/science   01/06/2021   College of Science. Clemson University, South Carolina. The College of Science offers a range of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees, as well as Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees in physical, mathematical and life sciences.

www.clepul.eu   25/01/2022

www.cleveland.com   23/05/2021   Cleveland OH. Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather. Get the latest Cleveland, OH local news, sports news & US breaking news. View daily Northeast Ohio weather updates, watch videos and photos, join the discussion in forums.

www.clevelandart.org   26/11/2021   The Cleveland Museum of Art was founded in 1913 “for the benefit of all the people forever.” We are proud to be one of the world’s most distinguished comprehensive art museums and one of northeastern Ohio’s principal civic and cultural institutions.

www.climategen.org   24/04/2021   Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy empowers individuals and their communities to engage in solutions to climate change.

www.clintonfoundation.org   22/07/2021

www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative   22/07/2021

www.cliometrie.org   25/07/2021

www.clmp.org   16/01/2022   Community of Literary Magazines and Presses. CLMP ensures a vibrant, diverse literary landscape by helping small literary publishers work better.

www.clmp.org   17/12/2021

www.club300.dk   09/04/2021

www.club300.se   09/04/2021

www.clwp.navy.mil   26/12/2021   Commander, Logistics Group Western Pacific/CTF73. The official website of the Commander, Logistics Group Western Pacific/CTF73.

www.cmich.edu   08/01/2022

www.cmich.edu/academics/colleges   08/01/2022

www.cmich.edu/research   08/01/2022

www.cmkos.cz   11/04/2021   Českomoravská konfederace odborových svazů je největší odborovou centrálou v České republice. ČMKOS je dobrovolným, otevřeným a nezávislým demokratickým sdružením 31 odborových svazů, jehož posláním je ochrana mzdových, pracovních a životních podmínek a práv zaměstnanců.

www.cmnf.fr   27/01/2021

www.cmps.edu   08/01/2022

www.cmstudies.org   08/01/2022

www.cmu.edu   18/06/2021   Carnegie Mellon University. CMU is a global research university known for its world-class, interdisciplinary programs: arts, business, computing, engineering, humanities, policy and science.

www.cmu.edu/dietrich   18/06/2021   The Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences embodies one of the most varied groups of students, faculty, staff and alumni in the Carnegie Mellon University community, all united by a common goal: confronting and solving society’s most complex problems.

www.cmu.edu/universitypress   07/11/2021

www.cnet.com   02/10/2021

www.cnic.navy.mil   12/06/2021   Official website of Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), the Navy's shore integrator responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy shore installation management.

www.cnn.com/business   21/10/2021   Business News. Latest Headlines on CNN Business. CNN.

www.cnr.it   17/05/2021   Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) è un Ente pubblico di ricerca nazionale con competenze multidisciplinari, vigilato dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR).

www.cnvc.org   22/09/2021   The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is a global nonprofit organization founded by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D.

www.co.crockett.tx.us   24/12/2021   Crockett County, Texas.

www.co.hill.tx.us   09/01/2022

www.co.hunterdon.nj.us   09/01/2022

www.co.jefferson.wa.us   09/01/2022

www.co.kittitas.wa.us   09/01/2022

www.co.logan.oh.us   09/01/2022

www.co.lucas.oh.us   09/01/2022

www.co.monterey.ca.us   30/12/2021

www.coag.org   19/11/2021

www.cobaltreview.com   04/10/2021

www.cobb.msstate.edu   12/11/2021   The Cobb Institute of Archaeology was founded in 1971 and is a research and service unit of the College of Arts & Sciences of Mississippi State University.

www.cobbcounty.org   26/04/2021   Cobb County Government. Marietta, GA.

www.coconutpoetry.org   15/11/2021

www.codrescu.com   29/08/2021

www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/full-list   13/05/2021

www.coe.int/en/web/portal/home   13/05/2021

www.coha.org   12/06/2021   COHA. Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), headquartered at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, DC, is responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy shore installation management as the Navy's shore integrator, designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of Navy shore infrastructure.

www.colby.edu   18/07/2021   Colby College. Waterville, Maine. A small liberal arts college consistently ranked among the top colleges and universities in the nation.

www.coldmountainreview.org   04/10/2021

www.coldriverpress.org   15/11/2021

www.coldwarveteran.us   15/11/2021

www.colemanbarks.com   08/12/2021

www.colex.es   12/01/2022

www.colgate.edu   3/29/2022   Colgate University. Colgate is a distinctive, leading American university known for its intellectual rigor, world-class professors, campus of stunning beauty, and alumni famously loyal to their alma mater.

www.colgate.edu   30/05/2021   Colgate University. Leading Liberal Arts Education. Colgate is a distinctive, leading American university known for its intellectual rigor, world-class professors, campus of stunning beauty, and alumni famously loyal to their alma mater.

www.colingalbraith.co.uk   15/11/2021

www.college.columbia.edu   11/05/2021   Columbia College. The College enrolled its first class in summer 1754. The campus was located in a vestry room in a school house at Trinity Church, in what is now part of Lower Manhattan.

www.collegeofidaho.edu   07/06/2021   The College of Idaho. Founded in 1891, The College of Idaho is the state's first private liberal arts college. We're a close-knit community of 1,000 scholars, athletes, artists, and critical thinkers who aim to push ourselves — and each other — to new heights.

www.collin.edu   24/03/2021   Collin College. The only public college in Collin County, the college offers more than 100 degrees and certificates in a wide range of disciplines, including new Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cybersecurity degrees.

www.collin.edu/library   24/03/2021   Library. Collin College. Visit any of our libraries to enjoy the rich resources available to you as a member of the Collin community. Check out the new Makerspaces, study quietly, or work on a project.

www.collinsbartholomew.com   05/09/2021   Collins Bartholomew has been in the business of map production for 200 years. We are the creators and publishers of The Times World Atlas range and a leading supplier of global digital map data to private and public sector organisations across the globe.

www.colmich.edu.mx   20/06/2021   Colegio de Michoacán. Zamora, Michoacán, México.

www.colorado.edu/artandarthistory   14/02/2022   The Department of Art and Art History affirms the power of art to transform individuals and society.

www.colorado.edu/artandarthistory   22/05/2021   Art and Art History. University of Colorado Boulder.

www.colorado.edu/artsandsciences   01/01/2021   The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder is the intellectual core of the university, conducting research, scholarship, creative work and education in more than 60 fields.

www.colorado.edu/atlas   01/01/2021   ATLAS Institute. ATLAS is an interdisciplinary institute for radical creativity and invention. We inspire research, experimentation and critical thinking that turns ingenious ideas into reality.

www.colorado.edu/ccar   3/18/2022   The Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR) is dedicated to the study of astrodynamics and the application of satellites to science, navigation, and remote sensing of the Earth and planets.

www.colorado.edu/ceae   24/11/2021

www.colorado.edu/center/british-irish-studies   01/01/2021   The Center for British and Irish Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder promotes research and teaching in all aspects of British and Irish life, culture, and history.

www.colorado.edu/cisc   01/01/2021   Center for Inclusion and Social Change. In the summer of 2018, the Cultural Unity and Engagement Center (CUE), the Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC) and the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) joined to create the new Center for Inclusion & Social Change (The Center).

www.colorado.edu/cuartmuseum   14/02/2022   The University of Colorado Art Museum provides a forum for exchanging ideas, inspiring collaboration and fueling imagination through art.

www.colorado.edu/cuartmuseum/collection/ancient-classical   14/01/2018

www.colorado.edu/environmentalprogram   02/01/2021   Environmental Program. The University of Colorado's Environmental Program encourages a concerted, multidisciplinary effort to diagnose local, regional and global environmental problems, analyze their underlying societal causes, and develop feasible solutions.

www.colorado.edu/geography   15/02/2022   Geography. University of Colorado Boulder. We bring a holistic perspective to the physical and human processes that shape the world around us, and we strive to understand how people interact with, are shaped by, and in turn help shape, our world.

www.colorado.edu/humanities   02/01/2021   Humanities. University of Colorado Boulder. The Humanities Major offers students an integrated interdisciplinary program of study within a community of diverse-minded and energetic students and faculty.

www.colorado.edu/lgbtq   4/12/2022   LGBTQ Studies. University of Colorado Boulder. LGBTQ studies is the academic investigation of sexuality in established fields such as literature, history, theatre, law, medicine, economics, sociology, anthropology and political science. By its very nature LGBTQ studies is interdisciplinary.

www.colorado.edu/neuroscience   01/01/2021   The Center for Neuroscience serves as a nodal administrative structure the purposes of which are to organize and foster the development of neuroscience research and teaching at CU Boulder.

www.colorado99s.org   01/01/2021   Colorado Ninety-Nines. The organization's purpose is to engage in strictly educational, charitable and/or scientific activities and purposes, and particularly to promote aeronautical science and safety.

www.coloradocaptures.com   16/08/2021   Colorado Captures. With an eye on the starry night sky, we give people tools to create and access to amazing fine art photography from Colorado and beyond.

www.coloradohealth.org   02/01/2021   The Colorado Health Foundation. At the Colorado Health Foundation, we are helping Coloradans live their healthiest lives by advancing opportunities to pursue good health and achieve health equity.

www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org   02/01/2021   Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection. A service of the Colorado State Library, the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection (CHNC) currently includes more than 1.97 million digitized pages, representing more than 493 individual newspaper titles published in Colorado from 1859 up to 2020.

www.colostate.edu   03/04/2021   Colorado State University is one of the nation’s top public research universities and an institution on the rise. Our eight colleges offer a lifetime of learning and exploration. Choose your passion; we’re sure to share it with you.

www.columbia.edu.py   26/02/2021   La Universidad Columbia del Paraguay es la primera universidad no confesional del Paraguay, con 16 carreras de grado, en las modalidades presencial y distancia, además cuenta con diversas ofertas académicas de posgrado.

www.columbiagrangers.org   15/11/2021

www.columbiamedicine.org   11/01/2022

www.columbiapsychiatry.org   11/01/2022

www.columbiaspectator.com   18/11/2021   Columbia Daily Spectator. Founded in 1877, the Columbia Daily Spectator delivers news daily to thousands of readers around Columbia University, Morningside Heights, West Harlem, and beyond.

www.columbinepoetsofcolorado.com   04/10/2021

www.columbus.gov   28/10/2021

www.comicblog.com.ar   15/11/2021

www.comicsbeat.com   07/05/2021

www.commarts.com   13/03/2022   Communication Arts. Print publication showcasing exceptional design, advertising, illustration, photography, interactive and typography.

www.commondreams.org   17/12/2021

www.commonsensemedia.org   01/09/2021   Reviews for what your kids are into (before they get into it). Common Sense Media is the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families. Parents trust our expert reviews and objective advice.

www.compassionanthology.com   04/10/2021

www.compulsivereader.com   17/12/2021

www.compute.dtu.dk   29/06/2021   DTU Compute er Danmarks største miljø for matematik og computer science. DTU Compute favner både den dybe teori og de praktiske anvendelser.

www.computer.org/csdl/home   16/02/2022   Computer Society Digital Library. CSDL. IEEE Computer Society. Browse more than 800k articles on advanced computing topics.

www.computerworld.dk   29/06/2021    Computerworld. Nyheder, analyser, viden, blogs og debat om it. Computerworld er dit medie om det digitale Danmark.

www.comune.fidenza.pr.it   17/05/2021   Comune di Fidenza. Il portale di servizi e informazioni del Comune di Fidenza.

www.comune.napoli.it/home   16/05/2021   Comune di Napoli.

www.comune.roma.it/web/it/welcome.page   16/05/2021   Roma Capitale. Sito Istituzionale.

www.comune.torino.it   16/05/2021   Città di Torino. Servizio Telematico Pubblico. Il sito ufficiale della Città di Torino.

www.comunidad.madrid   17/12/2021

www.comunidad.madrid/servicios/salud/biblioteca-virtual-consejeria-sanidad   4/12/2022   La Biblioteca Virtual de la Consejería de Sanidad proporciona acceso a la información científica y a los servicios bibliotecarios a todos los profesionales del sistema sanitario público de la Comunidad de Madrid, como apoyo a su actividad asistencial, docente y de investigación.

www.concordia-ny.edu   08/05/2021   Concordia College New York is a Christian higher education community of learning where mutual respect flourishes, responsibility is developed and reverence for God is cultivated so that students can pursue lives of passion, purpose and service.

www.concordmonitor.com   28/11/2021   The Concord Monitor is a Pulitzer Prize winning daily newspaper and website located in the capital city of New Hampshire. The Concord Monitor is Central NH's dominant media with more than 70 percent household penetration.

www.conduit.org   17/12/2021

www.confessio.ie   30/01/2021   My name is Patrick... St. Patrick’s Confessio.

www.congreso.gob.pe   28/07/2021   Portal Institucional e Información sobre la Actividad Parlamentaria y Legislativa del Estado Peruano.

www.conncoll.edu   18/02/2021   Connecticut College educates students to put the liberal arts into action as citizens in a global society. The College was founded in 1911, although its history began a few years earlier when one men’s institution in the state, which had begun opening its doors to women, abruptly closed them.

www.conniesurvivors.com   07/05/2021

www.connorboyack.com   14/07/2021   Connor Boyack. Author, Thought Leader, Public Speaker.

www.connotationpress.com   17/12/2021

www.connylundstrom.com/en   10/04/2021

www.conscientiabeam.com   17/12/2021

www.consellescolarib.es   01/05/2021   CEIB. El Consell Escolar de les Illes Balears és el màxim òrgan consultiu en matèria d'ensenyament no universitari dins l'àmbit territorial de les Illes Balears i l'organisme superior de representació en aquesta matèria dels sectors implicats.

www.conservamerica.org   3/17/2022   Conserv America. Established in 1995, ConservAmerica is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to the development and advancement of sound environmental and conservation policy.

www.conservation.org   19/11/2021   Conservation International. We know that human beings are totally dependent on nature & - and that when we work to save nature, we're really working to save ourselves.

www.conservativechronicle.com   29/03/2021   The Conservative Chronicle is where you can find many of your favorite conservative syndicated columnists all in one place.

www.conservativehq.org   29/03/2021   Conservative HQ is the online news source for conservatives and Tea Partiers committed to bringing limited government constitutional conservatives to power.

www.contra-mundum.org   30/08/2021   Contra Mundum. Christianity and culture are not two different things. Christianity is religion—a pattern of living in relation to ultimate loyalties and norms—and in living the acts done and things made take up an orientation to that religion and according to it are judged to build up life or to be deviant.

www.convergence-journal.com   17/12/2021

www.conversationsonphilanthropy.org   15/01/2021   Conversations On Philanthropy. Conversations on Philanthropy is an annual publication of The Philanthropic Enterprise.

www.converse.edu   01/06/2021   Converse College. Located in Spartanburg, SC, Converse is a private university providing a distinctive co-ed, undergraduate liberal arts education, innovative graduate programs and doctoral studies.

www.conviction2change.com   17/12/2021

www.cookcountydems.com   02/02/2021   Cook County Democratic Party. The Cook County Democratic Party is dedicated to protecting our shared values and standing for candidates who make a difference.

www.coot-builders.com   07/05/2021

www.cop.es/colegiados/A-00512   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/A-00512/habil.html   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/m-00451/agorafobia.html   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/M-00451/bookmark.htm   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/M-00451/tomadeciones.htm   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/M-00451/TraInternet.htm   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/M-00451/TrTarta.html   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/M-02468   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/M-02744   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/colegiados/M-03258   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/index.php   4/12/2022   Consejo General de la Psicología de España.

www.cop.es/infocop/vernumero.asp?id=1180   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/infocop/vernumero.asp?id=1181   12/03/2022

www.cop.es/perfiles   12/03/2022

www.coppercanyonpress.org   17/12/2021

www.corbelstonepress.com   17/12/2021

www.corneille.org   06/08/2021

www.cornella.cat   25/01/2022

www.cornellcollege.edu   4/8/2022   Cornell College. Ingenuity is a tradition at Cornell College. Historically Cornell has embraced the progressive engine that keeps the liberal arts relevant to today's students and the workplaces where they will become influencers.

www.coronaca.gov/government/departments/library   20/11/2021

www.coronado.ca.us   4/12/2022   City of Coronado. A small beach community with an island feel. Incorporated in 1890, Coronado has a rich history and exceptional community assets in a village atmosphere.

www.coronado.ca.us/government/departments_divisions/library_services   4/12/2022   Coronado Public Library. The mission of the Coronado Public Library is to meet the informational, recreational, and cultural needs of the community and to actively promote reading, life-long learning, and the pursuit of knowledge.

www.corporateinformation.com   11/01/2022

www.corporateknights.com   11/01/2022

www.corpsebridefansite.com   11/01/2022

www.corpus.cam.ac.uk   11/01/2022

www.corpus.unam.mx/geco/portal/index/cdpm   11/01/2022

www.corpus.unam.mx/geco/portal/index/chs   11/01/2022

www.corpuscharta.es   11/01/2022

www.corpuschristianorum.org   11/01/2022

www.correios.co.mz   05/01/2021   Correios de Moçambique, E. P.,é uma empresa pública, dotada de personalidade jurídica e com autonomia administrativa, financeira e patrimonial, exercendo a sua actividade na subordinaçao do Ministério dos Transportes e Comunicaçoes.

www.cortlandreview.com   17/12/2021

www.cosmoetica.com   17/12/2021

www.counterpointpress.com   04/10/2021

www.counterpunch.org   17/12/2021   Counterpunch. Tells the Facts and Names the Names. Published since 1996.

www.countyofkane.org   09/01/2022

www.countyofkane.org/Pages/veterans.aspx   09/01/2022

www.courierjournal.net   03/12/2021   El Courier Journal se fundó en 1884 como Florence Herald. Fue la principal publicación en el noroeste de Alabama durante muchos años sirviendo a toda el área como un periódico solo para suscriptores.

www.courierpress.com   16/01/2021   The Evansville Courier & Press has seen many changes throughout its history. The first newspaper was published In January 1845, by Evansville attorney William Newton. It was a four-page weekly called The Evansville Courier.

www.cowcreek-nsn.gov   17/02/2022   The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians is one of nine federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments in the State of Oregon.

www.cowgirl.net   24/02/2021   The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame honors and celebrates women, past and present, whose lives exemplify the courage, resilience and independence that helped shape the West, and fosters an appreciation of the ideals and spirit of self-reliance they inspire.

www.cpieflandremaritime.fr   27/01/2021

www.cpie-hautsdefrance.fr   07/02/2021

www.cpp.edu   20/11/2021

www.crabcreekreview.org/index.html   17/12/2021

www.crabfatmagazine.com   01/08/2021

www.crackedwalnut.com   04/10/2021

www.crackercowboypoet.com   17/12/2021

www.crackthespine.com   17/12/2021

www.cradleofaviation.org   17/12/2021

www.craftcouncil.org   22/05/2021   The American Craft Council is the leading arts nonprofit cultivating a culture of making. The American Craft Council is a national nonprofit organization that connects and galvanizes diverse craft communities to advance craft's impact in contemporary American Life.

www.craigboldman.com/index.html   22/07/2021   Craig Boldman. Words and Pictures.

www.cranberryisles.com   30/12/2021   Great Cranberry Island. When you think about the health, well-being & support of island folks, that’s us. We run the gym, the medical closet & the gas pump. But we’re much more than that.

www.creekwalker.com   01/08/2021

www.crevillent.es   09/11/2021

www.crif.org   15/11/2021

www.criterion.com   31/01/2021   The Criterion Collection. Discover important classic and contemporary cinema from around the world. Browse our continuing series of Blu-ray and DVD editions, featuring award-winning supplemental features.

www.crl.edu   05/08/2021   Center for Research Libraries. Enriching Research. Expanding Possibilities. Since 1949. CRL. Founded in 1949, CRL supports original research and inspired teaching in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences by preserving and making available to scholars a wealth of rare and uncommon primary source materials from all world regions.

www.crmvet.org   11/03/2021   Civil Rights Movement Archive. Archive of Civil Rights Movement history, original documents, personal stories, discussions, and analysis by veterans of the Southern Freedom Movement (CORE, NAACP, SCLC, SNCC, and similar organizations).

www.crockerart.org   10/12/2021

www.crowcanyon.org   02/01/2021   Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. The mission of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center is to empower present and future generations by making the human past accessible and relevant through archaeological research, experiential education, and American Indian knowledge.

www.crowleypostsignal.com   16/02/2021   Acadia Parish Today. Crowley Post-Signal, Rayne Acadian-Tribune, Church Point News. Acadia Parish, La. Your news, sports and entertainment leader in Acadia Parish, La.

www.crows.org   23/03/2021   Association of Old Crows. With over 14,000 members internationally, the Association of Old Crows is an organization for individuals who have common interests in Electronic Warfare (EW), Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations, Cyber Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA), Information Operations (IO), and other information related capabilities.

www.crt.state.la.us   04/02/2022   The Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism ensure Louisiana's cultural & natural assets are promoted to its citizens & potential visitors.

www.crt.state.la.us/archaeology   14/02/2021   Division of Archaeology. Louisiana Office of Cultural Development. The mission of the Division of Archaeology is to promote Louisiana’s cultural history through the protection of archaeological sites and preservation of material culture.

www.crt.state.la.us/cultural-development   4/12/2022   The Louisiana Office of Cultural Development’s helps Louisiana preserve, support, develop, and promote our archaeology, arts, French language, and historic places.

www.crt.state.la.us/louisiana-state-parks/index   17/02/2021

www.crutchleyhistory.co.uk   10/01/2021   The history of the Crutchley family. The history and genealogy of the Crutchley family from the towns of Bloxwich and Walsall in the UK. Contains information and photographs regarding my family, their lives and work.

www.cs.cmu.edu   25/11/2021   Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science is widely recognized as one of the first and best computer science programs in the world. Our programs train the next generation of innovators to solve real-world problems and improve the way people live and work.

www.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes   16/05/2021   Recipe Archive Index. Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science (SCS) graciously hosts the Recipe Archive.

www.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes/ethnic/historical/ant-rom-coll.html   4/12/2022   Antique Roman Dishes. The following recipes are taken from an old Roman cookbook Marcus Gavius Apicius: De Re Coquinaria. The book I have is edited and translated from Latin by Robert Maier.

www.cs.pitt.edu   26/02/2022   The Department of Computer Science is celebrating 55 years of research and teaching excellence. Our community includes 32 full-time faculty members, two staff members, over 100 graduate students, over 900 pre-CS/CS majors, and thousands of alumni.

www.cs.ucla.edu   04/07/2021   CS. Computer Science. The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science includes more than 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students and 190 full-time faculty members.

www.csail.mit.edu   02/06/2021

www.csbsju.edu   06/02/2022

www.csd.uwo.ca   10/01/2022

www.cse.ohio-state.edu   25/11/2021   Department of Computer Science and Engineering. College of Engineering. The Ohio State University.

www.cse.org.uk   10/01/2021   Centre for Sustainable Energy. We are an independent national charity that shares our knowledge and experience to help people change the way they think and act on energy.

www.csgnetwork.com/aviationconverters.html   21/05/2021

www.csi.cuny.edu   13/02/2022

www.csindy.com   14/02/2022   Colorado Springs Indy. As the Springs' only alternative news weekly, the Indy is committed to be the local voice for the underserved and the voiceless in Southern Colorado.

www.csmonitor.com   09/05/2021   The Christian Science Monitor is an international news organization that delivers thoughtful, global coverage via its website, weekly magazine, online daily edition, and email newsletters.

www.csmpl.org   4/6/2022   Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library. On July 1, 2021, the Baraboo Public Library officially became Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library.

www.csn.edu   31/03/2021   CSN. College of Southern Nevada. As the largest and most ethnically diverse college in Nevada, we’ve made it a priority to provide an affordable, collaborative and welcoming environment that allows all students to shine.

www.csntm.org   24/03/2021   CSNTM. Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. On September 13, 2002, Dr. Daniel B. Wallace founded the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM) to utilize emerging technologies to preserve and study Greek New Testament manuscripts.

www.csntm.org/Library   24/03/2021   Library. CSNTM. Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.

www.csuohio.edu   07/01/2022   Cleveland State University. Engaged Learning. Founded in 1964, Cleveland State University is a public research institution with nearly 16,000 students, 10 colleges and schools and more than 175 academic programs.

www.csupoetrycenter.com   15/11/2021

www.csusb.edu   29/09/2021

www.csustan.edu   21/04/2021

www.ctpistolpermit.com   22/02/2022   CT Firearms Training Academy LLC. Conveniently located in Berlin, CT we currently offer basic firearm classes, multi state permit classes, LEOSA Qualifications as well as advanced self defense classes and much more.

www.ctsa.org   09/09/2021   The Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture (CTSA) is one of five regional aquaculture centers in the United States established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

www.cuatro-pr.org   02/08/2021   The Puerto Rican Cuatro Project. Puerto Ricans searching for their own lost culture. The Puerto Rican Cuatro Project was begun in 1991 by a small band of New England/Puerto Rican artists, artisans, technicians, teachers and writers.

www.cubaartny.org/index.html   02/10/2021

www.cubaartny.org/index_Flash.html   17/12/2021

www.cubacollectibles.com   12/01/2022   Cuba Collectibles. Buy & Sell old and rare vintage Cuba collectible memorabilia and antiques (1800's - 1950's). Compra y venta colección de antigüedades y recordatorios de Cuba para cubanos y coleccionistas.

www.cubaenresumen.org   26/06/2021   Cuba en Resumen. Corresponsalía en Cuba de Resumen Latinoamericano.

www.cubaliteraria.cu   17/12/2021

www.cubanartresources.org   15/11/2021

www.cuc.ac.jp   04/02/2022

www.cuimc.columbia.edu   03/05/2021   Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) is a clinical, research, and educational enterprise located on a campus in northern Manhattan.

www.cuimc.columbia.edu/pulmonary   11/01/2022

www.cuimc.columbia.edu/rehab   11/01/2022

www.cuinadelbolet.com   05/09/2021   La Cuina del Bolet del Berguedà. Informació de bolets i agenda per el boletaire. Establiments adherits, festes i mercats.

www.cuinejar.cat   05/09/2021   Cuinejar.

www.cultura.prato.it   04/02/2022

www.culturalheritage.org   20/04/2021

www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/archivos-aca/portada.html   06/06/2021

www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/mnceramica/home.html   21/01/2022   Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias "González Martí". Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.

www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/mromanticismo/inicio.html   29/09/2021

www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/portada.html   21/01/2022   Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Incluye información sobre funciones, áreas, organismos, noticias de actualidad, agenda, becas y ayudas, etc.

www.cultureetdemocratie.be   28/08/2021

www.cuneiformpress.com   17/12/2021

www.cuneiformrecords.com   11/01/2022

www.cutbankonline.org   17/12/2021

www.cutbankpioneerpress.com   24/06/2021   Cut Bank Pioneer Press. Cut Bank, Montana.

www.cutbankpioneerpress.com/glacier_reporter   24/06/2021   Glacier Reporter. Cut Bank, Montana.

www.cuxhaven.de   15/11/2021

www.cvut.cz   10/04/2021   České vysoké učení technické v Praze patří k největším a nejstarším technickým vysokým školám v Evropě. V současné době má ČVUT osm fakult. Studuje na něm přes 17 800 studentů.

www.cybersoleiljournal.com   17/12/2021

www.cyberwit.net   07/08/2021

www.czipra.cz/cs   06/03/2021